1. Addon replacements for big debuffs? - Blizzard Forums
9 dec 2022 · I have attempted to re use big debuffs for tracking when players use abilities on name plates and simply cant. It breaks the UI and causes far too many errors.
just curious what you all may use, i have attempted to re use big debuffs for tracking when players use abilities on name plates and simply cant. It breaks the UI and causes far too many errors that the game is unplayable. Any other solutions?
2. BigDebuffs replacement - Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums
6 jul 2022 · Since 9.2.5, BigDebuffs has been erroring and messing up my raid frames. Multiple posts have been made about this on the addon's CurseForge page.
Since 9.2.5, BigDebuffs has been erroring and messing up my raid frames. Multiple posts have been made about this on the addon’s CurseForge page (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/bigdebuffs), but to date no response has been given, let alone a fix being released. Does anyone have an alternative to this addon? This is what it does:
3. BigDebuff - Warmane | Forum
2 jun 2021 · its not working for me. it doesnt even show it in addons in game. ... I have just tried it. It works for me. Edited: June 30, 2022.
Anyone got a backport of Bigdebuff? would be cool , thx a lot
4. Tsoukie / BigDebuffs-3.3.5 - GitLab
17 jul 2023 · BigDebuffs is an addon that hooks the Blizzard raid frames and unit frames to display crowd control and important effects.
BigDebuffs is an addon that hooks the Blizzard raid frames and unit frames to display crowd control and important effects.
5. BigDebuffs - JcJ, Arenas & BGs - Foro de UltimoWoW
23 mrt 2023 · BigDebuffs es un addon extremadamente ligero que sustituye los retratos de cuadro de las unidades por auras, posturas e interrupciones ...
BigDebuffs es un addon extremadamente ligero que sustituye los retratos de cuadro de las unidades por auras, posturas e interrupciones siempre que estén presentes. El backport se basa en BfA BigDebuffs. Sin embargo, el backport no contiene ninguna modificación de las bandas (número de debuffs mos...
6. Big Debuffs (Shows CC in portrait) - Firestorm
English: Shows de CC (Fear, stun, etc.) and important debuffs in player and target portrait and in the Raid frames(in, left or right and big)
See AlsoJammiah Broomfield IgWelcome to Firestorm! Create an account and join our community!
7. Rate My Ui - Warmane | Forum
6 nov 2015 · None of the addons mentioned above do that. http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bigdebuffs. This is exactly what he is looking for. yw. Zeul's ...
This Ui is the result of years of playing and improving my macros,what are your thoughts on it. In my eyes,it looks perfect. http://i67.tinypic.com/2cqie4m.jpg Some of you might think warrior is faceroll,but its not true im actually really skilled
8. 大型控場圖示BigDebuffs - 奇樂- 魔獸世界中文插件補給站
『PVP』大型控場圖示BigDebuffs · 使用【Stuf 頭像】插件時,不會顯示頭像變化的效果。 · 使用【暴雪頭像(美化調整)】 Easy Frames 插件會顯示頭像變化的效果。 · 可以與【威力 ...
9. Top 10+ Best Addons for Season of Discovery (Leveling, Raid, PvP)
1 dec 2023 · BigDebuffs is an addon for World of Warcraft that ... WoW Season of Discovery Launch Preparation Guie - Things to do During SoD Classic WoW ...
This guide covers the top 10+ best SoD addons that can help improve the PvE & PvP gameplay experiences in WoW Classic Season of Discovery content phase.
10. BigDebuffs Download - Felbite
1 mrt 2022 · BigDebuffs is an extremely lightweight addon that hooks the Blizzard raid frames to increase the debuff size of crowd control effects.
BigDebuffs is an extremely lightweight addon that hooks the Blizzard raid frames to increase the debuff size of crowd control effects. Additionally, it