UPDATE: New “Barbie” Easter egg found and added to the list.
In this article, we are going to share many hidden secret Easter eggs found in Google Search. You can reveal and enjoy them in your web browsers.
Table of Contents
- Barbie
- Neko Cat
- DVD Screensaver
- Fishing Game
- Thanos
- Text Adventure Game
- Google in 1998
- “Do a Barrel Roll” OR “Z or R Twice”
- “Tilt” OR “Askew”
- Festivus
- Let it Snow
- Hanukkah
- Christmas
- Kwanzaa
- Zerg Rush
- Recursion
- Anagram
- Blink HTML
- Webdriver Torso
- Conway’s Game of Life
- Atari Breakout
- elgooG (Google Mirror)
This new Easter egg has been introduced to celebrate the release of official Barbie movie on July 21, 2023. When the user searches for Barbie on Google, pink colored sparkles or starbursts are displayed all over the page and the search page also becomes pink after a few seconds.
Check out our posts at Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for details and screenshots.
Neko Cat
This new Easter egg features a cat paw and meow sound animation in Google Search.
Following article contains step-by-step instructions to reveal and enjoy the Easter egg:
New Neko (Cat) Easter Egg Discovered in Google Search
DVD Screensaver
Search for “DVD screensaver” on Google Search and wait for a few seconds. The Google logo will start bouncing on your computer screen just like a good old media player screensaver.
Following animated image shows Google logo bouncing on screen when searched for DVD screensaver in Google Search:
BONUS TIP: After activating the Easter egg, switch to another tab and then go back to Easter egg tab, the bouncing Google logo will immediately hit the corner.
Thanks to our reader “Anirudh” for sharing it…
Fishing Game
This new Easter egg features a secret Ice fishing game in Google Search when no results are found for the searched term.
Following article contains step-by-step instructions to reveal and enjoy the Easter egg:
[Easter Egg] Hidden Secret Fishing Game in Google Search
If you a Marvel‘s movies fan and love their Avengers series, you’ll definitely love this new “Thanos” Easter egg.
Following article contains step-by-step instructions to reveal and enjoy the Easter egg:
Enjoy “Thanos” Easter Egg in Google Search
Text Adventure Game
It’s a new Easter egg found in Google search which allows users to play a text adventure game in their web browsers.
Following article contains step-by-step instructions to reveal and enjoy the Easter egg:
Play Hidden Secret Text Adventure Game in Google Search
Google in 1998
Type “Google in 1998” in Google search box and the search results page will look-like as it was in year 1998 when Google was founded.
“Do a Barrel Roll” OR “Z or R Twice”
“Do a Barrel Roll” or “Z or R Twice” Easter egg is inspired from a video game “Star Fox” developed by Nintendo in which a rabbit asks to do a barrel roll.
To enjoy this Easter egg, simply type “Do a Barrel Roll” or type “Z or R Twice” in Google search box and the search results page will do a barrel roll before showing the results.
“Tilt” OR “Askew”
“Askew” or “Tilt” is another cool Easter egg in which the search results page looks a bit weird and out of place. To enjoy this Easter egg, simply search for either “askew” or “tilt” in Google.
Type “Festivus” in Google search box and you’ll see Festivus pole (described in Seinfeld comedy show) at the left-side of search results page. Scroll down to bottom and you’ll find the base of the pole.
Let it Snow
“Let it Snow” is a new Easter egg found by AskVG readers “kennethesp” and “SaidSikiraX” in Google search results page. A Christmas gift from Google team:
“Hanukkah” is also known as Festival of Lights. This Easter egg found by AskVG reader “Mohit Bangre” shows a nice row of stars below the Google search box:
You can also try the words “Chanukah” or “Chanukkah” instead of “Hanukkah“. Thanks to our reader “Greg” for sharing them…
If you type “Christmas” in Google search box and press Enter, it’ll show Christmas lights below search box as shown in following screenshot:
Thanks to our reader “sylviatran” for sharing Christmas Easter egg…
If you search for kwanzaa in Google Search, you get an image of 7 candles below Google search box. This Easter egg is related to “Kwanzaa” festival which is celebrated from 26th December to 1st January each year in United States.
Thanks to AskVG reader “Adam” for sharing “kwanzaa” Easter egg..
Zerg Rush
If you search for Zerg Rush in Google Search, Google Search results page gets under aliens attack. The ‘O‘ letter of colored Google logo turns into aliens who try to eat the whole page. You have to defend yourself by killing those aliens using mouse clicks on them.
This hidden Easter egg is inspired from space strategy game “Star Craft“.
Thanks to AskVG reader “Prateek” for sharing “Zerg Rush” Easter egg..
Check out how Google shows you meaning of “Recursion” by searching for Recursion in Google Search. When you search for “Recursion” term, a link “Did you mean: recursion” is shown below the search box even if you typed the correct spelling and the same page is loaded again and again whenever you click on that ‘did you mean’ link.
Thanks to AskVG readers “Mohit Bangre” and “Carbonize” for sharing “Recursion” Easter egg..
Search for Anagram in Google Search and Google will show a link “Did you mean: nag a ram” below the search box. Wondering why? Actually “Anagram” is a word game in which you need to create a new word using the same letters of another given word. So Google also plays the same game with you when you search for Anagram.
Thanks to AskVG reader “Snehil Sarkar” for sharing “Anagram” Easter egg..
Blink HTML
Search for Blink HTML in Google Search and the search results page will make both “Blink” and “HTML” words blinking in each search result.
Webdriver Torso
Search for Webdriver Torso in Google Search and the Google logo will be shown using random rectangles.
Conway’s Game of Life
Search for Conway’s Game of Life in Google Search and you’ll see a simulation of popular “Game of Life” theory given by Conway.
Atari Breakout
Open Google Image search page, type Atari Breakout and click on search button and get ready to play a wonderful game in your web browser:
Thanks to AskVG reader “Prateek” for sharing “Atari Breakout” Easter egg..
elgooG (Google Mirror)
Open Google search page, type elgoog in search box and click on “I’m Feeling Lucky” button and you’ll see a mirrored image of the webpage:
You can also directly access this elgooG (Google Mirror) page anytime using elgoog.im URL in your web browser.
Thanks to AskVG reader “Sebastian” for sharing “elgooG” Easter egg..
These Easter eggs work in almost all modern web browsers. If you know about any other Easter egg, feel free to share it in your comment…
Also Check:
Ultimate Collection of YouTube’s Hidden Secret Easter Eggs
Hidden Secret Easter Eggs and Daydreams in Google Android Devices
Facebook Text Delights: Reveal Hidden Secret Easter Eggs by Typing Special Words
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